Seeing Double: The Comprehensive Guide to a Successful Dual-Monitor Setup

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency is key, and a dual-monitor setup has become a game-changer for many. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, a creative professional, or a multitasking office wizard, the allure of dual screens is undeniable. A study by Jon Peddie Research highlights a staggering 42% boost in productivity with dual displays. But, it’s not as simple as plugging in an extra screen. To truly harness this power, your setup must be optimized.

Best Practices for a Great Two-Screen Setup

  1. Match Size and Resolution

First things first, ensure your monitors are in harmony. Using two screens of the same size and resolution is crucial. It prevents jarring differences in image quality, offering a seamless experience. This consistency is a blessing for your eyes and keeps distractions at bay.

  1. Get the Right Cables

Imagine the frustration of incompatible cables! Before setting up, check your monitors’ inputs and outputs. Whether it’s HDMI, DisplayPort, or DVI, having the correct cables is essential for a smooth setup.

  1. Positioning is Everything

The placement of your monitors can significantly affect your comfort and productivity. Place them side by side with their top edges aligned. Adjust their angles and distance to minimize neck strain and optimize viewing comfort.

  1. Embrace the Extended Desktop

Move beyond mirroring your displays. Use the extended desktop feature to manage different content on each screen. This approach effectively doubles your workspace, allowing you to work on a document on one screen while handling emails or browsing on the other.

  1. Focus on Taskbar Tweaks

A cluttered taskbar can lead to chaos. Organize your workspace by adjusting taskbar settings to display applications only on their respective screens. This simple tweak can save you time and frustration.

  1. Leverage Shortcuts

Windows offers valuable shortcuts for window management. Use the Windows key with the left or right arrow to snap applications to either side of the screen. This feature is a boon for tasks like document comparison or multitasking with different applications.

  1. Mastering Multitasking

Dual monitors truly excel in multitasking scenarios. For creatives, one screen can host design software, while the other displays reference material. Writers can view research on one screen and type on the other. The potential for productivity is limitless.

  1. Tame the Cable Chaos

More monitors mean more cables. Keep your workspace tidy with cable management solutions like adhesive clips or sleeves. A clean setup is not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional for future adjustments.

  1. Don’t Forget the Ergonomics

In the midst of enhancing productivity, don’t overlook ergonomics. Position your monitors at eye level and ensure your keyboard and mouse are comfortably placed. Proper ergonomics prevent strain, making your dual-monitor experience enjoyable and sustainable.

Enhancing Professional Workflows with Dual Monitors

  1. Boosting Creative Professions

For creative professionals like graphic designers, video editors, and architects, dual monitors are a boon. With tools and palettes on one screen and the primary workspace on the other, creatives can enjoy an uncluttered and efficient workflow. This setup not only speeds up the creative process but also allows for better detail work, as the increased screen real estate provides more room for precision.

  1. Streamlining Financial and Analytical Tasks

Finance professionals and data analysts can greatly benefit from a dual-monitor setup. Having spreadsheets on one screen and analytical software or reports on the other facilitates easier data comparison and reduces the need for constant toggling between applications. This setup is essential for tasks requiring high levels of accuracy and focus, such as budget analysis or financial forecasting.

  1. Enhancing Academic and Research Work

Academics and researchers find dual monitors particularly advantageous. They can have research papers or online resources open on one screen while writing or analyzing data on the other. This setup supports a more efficient review process and aids in organizing and cross-referencing vast amounts of information.

Conclusion: Embracing the Dual-Monitor Advantage

In conclusion, a dual-monitor setup is more than just a tech upgrade; it’s a significant enhancement to your professional and personal computing experience. From improved multitasking and increased productivity to better ergonomics and streamlined workflows across various professions, the benefits are vast and varied. By following the best practices and tips outlined above, you can set yourself up for success and make the most of this powerful tool.

Remember, whether you’re diving into complex creative projects, crunching numbers, or conducting extensive research, a well-optimized dual-monitor setup can transform the way you work. So why wait? Elevate your workspace today and unlock your full potential.


Need Help with Hardware or Software Setup?

Setting up a dual-monitor system can be daunting. Why not seek expert advice to save time and ensure your setup is perfect? Our team can guide you through hardware and software choices, ensuring your dual-monitor setup is not just functional but also a joy to use.

Give us a call today to discuss your technology needs and step into a world of enhanced productivity!

Eco-Forward Computing: SMBs Pioneering the Green Revolution

The changing climate and environmental concerns are pressing matters demanding immediate attention. Within the business realm, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are actively integrating green technology, especially in computing.

1. EPEAT: Beyond the Average Tech

The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool, or EPEAT, is not just another certification. It’s a comprehensive system that evaluates a product’s entire lifecycle.

  • Durability and Efficiency: EPEAT champions gadgets that combine longevity with sustainable design.
  • Less Tech Trash: Devices last longer, meaning fewer upgrades and less electronic waste.
  • Lower Bills: EPEAT-certified gadgets don’t guzzle electricity. They save on energy bills.
  • Earth-Friendly Materials: Many devices use recycled or responsibly sourced materials.
  • Smooth Regulatory Sailing: Meeting green regulations is often easier with EPEAT-certified tech.

A Real-World Example: A small digital marketing agency upgraded to EPEAT-certified computers and saw reduced energy consumption and significant savings on utility bills.

2. ENERGY STAR: A Testament to Efficient Power Consumption

ENERGY STAR is the beacon for optimal energy utilization.

  • Cost-Efficiency: Businesses find a tangible reduction in electricity costs with these devices.
  • Lighter Bills: Devices sip power, resulting in lower energy costs and less harm to the planet.
  • Top-Notch Performance: They deliver impressive performance while saving energy.
  • Eco Warrior: Reduced energy consumption means fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Cool Cred: Businesses can showcase their commitment to energy efficiency.

SMB Success Story: An e-commerce SMB shifted to ENERGY STAR certified servers and saw a 30% reduction in energy bills within six months.

3. TCO Certified Devices: Bridging Quality with Sustainability

TCO certification stands out due to its holistic approach.

  • Savings Galore: Devices consume less energy, last longer, and require less maintenance.
  • Happy Team: They offer comfort and high-quality displays.
  • Health and Safety: TCO ensures equipment meets vital health and safety standards.
  • Eco-Production: Products are made with eco-friendly attributes, like reduced hazardous substances.

A Case in Point: A medium-sized software firm opted for TCO certified screens. Eye strain complaints reduced by half in mere months.

Initiating the Green Tech Journey: Practical Steps for SMBs

  • Audit Your Current Tech: Evaluate your current devices. How energy-efficient are they?
  • Prioritize Upgrades: If all devices can’t be replaced at once, prioritize those used most.
  • Educate and Engage Staff: An eco-friendly device’s potential is maximized when users are aware of its benefits.
  • Showcase Your Commitment: Use your green tech commitment as a branding tool.

Why Choose Eco-Friendly Tech?

  • Lower Costs: Reduced energy and operating expenses.
  • Longevity: Devices that last longer, cutting down on waste.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Happy, efficient employees.
  • Reputation Boost: Position yourself as an eco-conscious, forward-thinking business.

In conclusion, choosing green technology is an evolution in business. SMBs investing in certifications like EPEAT, ENERGY STAR, and TCO aren’t merely investing in the environment but in a sustainable, cost-effective, and prosperous future. Join the eco-tech revolution today.

Let’s embark on a haunted journey that might send shivers down your spine—cybersecurity ghosts lurking in your systems. You may not find actual specters floating in your corridors, but be wary of the digital ghouls lurking in the dark corners of your network, thirsting for a chance to cause chaos.

Before you can banish these phantoms, you need to see them. Cast a light into the digital shadows and fortify your business against these cyber horrors. Let’s unveil these malevolent entities that might leave your business cursed. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity curses faced by SMBs.

Outdated Software: The Possessed Relic

We know, performing software exorcisms can be daunting. But sticking with ancient software is like inviting demons to your digital masquerade. Whenever software sorcerers release updates, they often include enchantments to fend off evil forces. So, banish old software spells and keep your armory updated to guard your digital fortress.

Weak Passwords: The Cursed Key

If your passwords are as frail as a spider’s web, it’s like granting vandals a key to your treasure. Using “123456” or “password” as your secret spell? That’s like chanting the wrong incantation. Craft powerful and cryptic passwords for every portal and device. Use a blend of symbols, numbers, and both upper and lower-case letters. Consider a grimoire (password manager) to keep your potent passwords safely ensorcelled.

Ensure your team doesn’t inadvertently weave weak spells. Set the standard for strong incantations and even employ magical software to compel their strength.

Unsecured Wi-Fi: The Phantom Portal

Envision this: a digital warlock, parked just outside, enchanting his way into your unguarded Wi-Fi realm. Frightening, isn’t it? An unshielded Wi-Fi can be a spectral bridge for these warlocks. Guard your Wi-Fi with a secret rune and ensure your portal uses WPA2 or WPA3 enchantments. For crucial rituals, use a mystical shield (VPN) to cloak your activities from malevolent eyes.

Lack of Employee Training: The Bewitched Blunder

Your team can be your protective barrier or an unintentional traitor to the malevolent forces. Almost 88% of data breaches are due to human hexes gone awry. Equip your knights with the right weapons against cyber evils like phishing spirits or dangerous digital domains. Regular sessions in cybersecurity alchemy can save the day.

Guidelines include:
• Spotting deceptive spirits in emails
• Evading haunted digital domains
• Ensuring sacred transfers with secure file-sharing rituals

No Data Backups: The Abyssal Abyss

What if one day all your precious scrolls vanish into the void? Without protective charms (backups), this eerie reality might strike. Be ready for every hex or spell, from hardware curses to dark ransomware rituals. Swear by the 3-2-1 enchantment: three copies of your scrolls, preserved in two distinct realms, with one hidden safely in another dimension. Regularly verify your protective charms to ensure they stand robust.

No Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): The Reckless Ritual

Guarding your treasures with just a password is like leaving your crypt open to grave robbers. Introducing MFA is akin to placing guardians at every door. It asks for multiple offerings, like a unique sigil or a time-bound chant, making it daunting for evil-doers to break in.

Disregarding Mobile Security: The Cursed Crystal Ball

Your magical mirrors (mobile devices) are your conduits to the digital realm. But these can also harbor dark spirits. Protect these mirrors with mystical patterns or biometric barriers. Enforce arcane rules with mobile talisman management (MDM) to keep the dark forces at bay.

Shadow IT: The Forbidden Grimoire

Shadow IT is like dabbling with forbidden dark arts. It might seem harmless, but these unsanctioned spells can unleash chaos. Establish clear guidelines on the tools and enchantments permitted within your domain.

Incident Response Plan: The Unleashed Terror

Even with barriers and guardians, sometimes ghouls break in. Without a plan to combat these horrors, your business might be left paralyzed in terror. Craft a detailed battle plan detailing how to detect, confront, and rebound from these invasions. Test and refine it regularly for maximum potency.

Seeking Witch Doctors for Your Cybersecurity?

Don’t let digital specters haunt your dominion. We can help you discover and dispel potential threats, crafting a powerful shield against the malevolent. Summon us today to arrange a cybersecurity divination.

Navigating the Digital Era: Separating Myths from Reality

In a world rapidly transforming through technological innovations, it’s not surprising that misconceptions about digital tools and their functionalities arise. With every novel advancement, a series of myths emerge, often blurring the lines between fact and fiction. This blog aims to dispel some of the most persistent technological myths, providing clarity and helping users make informed decisions in our increasingly digitalized society.

Myth 1: Leaving your device plugged in overnight damages the battery

This belief has been around for quite some time, with many fearing that charging a device overnight would lead to battery degradation. However, today’s technological landscape renders this notion obsolete. Modern gadgets, whether smartphones or laptops, come equipped with advanced battery management systems designed to prevent overcharging. Once a device’s battery reaches full capacity, charging automatically ceases, even if it’s still connected to a power source. Thus, not only is it safe to charge your devices overnight, but it ensures you wake up to a fully charged device ready to tackle the day.

Myth 2: Incognito mode ensures complete anonymity

The allure of incognito mode has convinced many that it offers a cloak of complete anonymity online. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. While incognito mode does prevent your device from storing browsing history, cookies, and temporary files, it doesn’t render you invisible. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and the websites you access can still track your IP address and monitor online activity. If absolute online privacy is what you’re after, then tools like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) should be considered. They offer a more comprehensive cover, masking your IP address and encrypting data transfer.

Myth 3: Macs are immune to viruses

The debate surrounding the vulnerability of different operating systems to malware and viruses is longstanding. A common misconception is that Mac computers are entirely safe from such threats. Although historically, Macs have seen fewer attacks compared to their Windows counterparts, it doesn’t render them invincible. Market share dynamics can offer some insights here. For instance, in 2022, while Windows systems saw 54% of all malware infections, macOS had a share of 6.2%. But considering Windows held 74% of the desktop OS market share versus Mac’s 15%, the risk ratios between the two aren’t dramatically different. As Macs gain popularity, the interest of cybercriminals in them rises. The bottom line is, regardless of your device’s OS, implementing robust security measures, staying updated, and practicing safe online behaviors are imperative.

Myth 4: More megapixels mean better image quality

In the realm of photography, especially concerning smartphones, the megapixel count has been a prime marketing tool. Many have been led to believe that higher megapixels directly translate to superior image quality. While megapixels do play a role in determining an image’s resolution, they aren’t the sole factor influencing image quality. Aspects such as pixel size, lens quality, image processing algorithms, and low-light performance are equally, if not more, significant. A camera might boast a high megapixel count but could still produce images of mediocre quality if other components are subpar. It’s always wise to consider the holistic camera system rather than fixate on just one attribute.

Concluding Thoughts: Embrace Tech with an Informed Mind

In our tech-driven society, it’s crucial to differentiate fact from fiction. Misconceptions can not only hamper our understanding but can sometimes lead to missed opportunities or even risks. By debunking prevalent tech myths, we hope to empower our readers, allowing them to harness the full potential of the digital tools at their disposal.

Your Tech Ally in the Digital Age

Should you find yourself in need of tech advice, be it an issue with a personal device or setting up complex networks, our team is here to guide you. We pride ourselves on our commitment to offer reliable, up-to-date, and efficient service, cutting through the noise and myths of the tech world. Get in touch today to discuss any technology-related queries, goals, or challenges.

Navigating the vast world of business, especially for budding entrepreneurs, has its unique challenges. However, in this digital age, technology is the North Star guiding ventures toward unprecedented success.

The tech revolution has bestowed businesses with a dazzling array of digital tools. When wielded effectively, these tools can not only streamline operations but redefine the very way we perceive business. But herein lies the challenge: in this expansive ocean of technology, which tools truly align with your business aspirations and promise genuine growth?

According to a revealing 2023 State of the Cloud Report report, small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) are increasingly leaning into cloud technology. However, they often grapple with managing costs and ensuring robust security. Understanding this landscape is pivotal.

Let’s dive deeper into some transformative technologies that promise to reshape the contours of small business operations:

Essential Digital Tools Elevating the Modern Business Landscape

1. Cloud Computing: Beyond Physical Boundaries

Traditional data servers, with their space and cost demands, are fading into obsolescence. Contemporary solutions like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace have democratized access to tools that were once the preserve of mega-corporations. By embracing the cloud, businesses can experience:

  • Enhanced team collaboration, even across geographical boundaries.
  • Reliable data backup and swift recovery systems.
  • Unparalleled flexibility, enabling work from anywhere, anytime.

2. CRM Systems: A Window to the Customer’s World

Modern-day CRM platforms, from Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics to HubSpot, are more than just digital tools; they’re bridges to customer insights. Centralizing invaluable data, businesses can now:

  • Foster deep-rooted customer relationships.
  • Extract insights to tailor marketing campaigns effectively.
  • Ensure heightened loyalty through predictive service offerings.

3. Collaboration Tools: Erasing Geographical Lines

As remote work morphs into the ‘new normal’, team cohesion and seamless collaboration are paramount. Platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams have emerged as game-changers, offering:

  • Instantaneous communication channels.
  • Platforms for efficient knowledge sharing.
  • Synchronized task management and project monitoring.

4. E-commerce Platforms: The Gateway to a Global Marketplace

E-commerce isn’t merely a trend; it’s a paradigm shift. With platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, SMBs can:

  • Craft compelling online storefronts.
  • Guarantee seamless transactions for customers.
  • Showcase their product array to an international audience, expanding their market reach.

5. Data Analytics: The Compass for Decision Making

In the modern business ecosystem, decision-making is increasingly data-driven. Analytic tools like Microsoft Power Bi and Google Analytics are becoming indispensable, providing businesses the capability to:

  • Decipher intricate market trends.
  • Proactively identify and address potential roadblocks.
  • Strategically position themselves based on solid, data-backed insights.

Embarking on the Digital Voyage with Expert Guidance

The decision to infuse technology into your business operations goes beyond merely adopting the latest tools. It demands a strategic vision and a commitment to harness tools that resonate with your unique objectives. The vast, intricate digital terrain needn’t be overwhelming. You’re not alone on this journey.

Reach out to us. Let’s co-create a roadmap, guiding your business to its zenith in the digital age.

Navigating the Online Jungle: Why A Multi-layered Security Blanket Is A Must 

Hey there, reader! 🙋♂️ 

Ever found yourself in the middle of a deep online dive and suddenly thought, “How protected am I from the sneaky tech pirates out there?” We’re in a digital era where sometimes, it feels a tad like a cyber jungle. Here’s a little tidbit: In 2022, online ransom attacks skyrocketed by a huge 93%! And as more high-tech tools like ChatGPT emerge, our cyber adversaries are getting craftier. 

But don’t fret! We’re about to unravel the superhero strategy known as defence-in-depth to keep your digital world cozy and fortified. Buckle up! 

What’s the Buzz about Defence-in-Depth? 🤔 

Imagine your home. There’s probably a lock, a few security cameras, and maybe a smart alarm system, right? Each layer gives those pesky intruders a harder time. Now, the defence-in-depth approach is just that, but for your online space. 

This isn’t about having just one shield; it’s about stacking them. By doing so, we’re giving those online mischief-makers a real headache. These layers include: 

  • 🔥 Firewalls (The digital bouncers) 
  • 🦠 Antivirus software (Health checkups but for your devices) 
  • 🔐 Strong passwords (Your online secret handshake) 
  • 🚫 Access management (Who gets in and who doesn’t) 
  • 🛡 Endpoint security (Protection for all your gadgets – from PCs to smartphones) 
  • 🧠 Employee training (because humans can be the best defenders or, oops, the weakest link!) 

And these are just to name a few! Beyond warding off intruders, this strategy helps us spot any sneaky ones that get in – and show them the exit pronto. 

Here’s Why This Layered Defence Rocks: 

  1. Building a Digital Castle 🏰: More layers mean more hurdles for the invaders. If one defence gets tricked, there’s another ready to step in. 
  2. Always On The Watch 👀: This approach means constant vigilance, catching threats before they settle in. 
  3. Zero Weak Points : No single point can bring the entire system down. Safety in diversity! 
  4. One Step Ahead 🌊: As cyber tricksters evolve, our multi-layered defence stays ahead, ready to counter new tricks. 
  5. Stay in the Green Zone : With laws like GDPR, being prepared keeps you compliant and worry-free. 
  6. Grow, Adapt, and Protect 🌱: As your online presence grows, this strategy evolves with you, always keeping you shielded. 
  7. Power in Knowledge 🧠: It’s not just tech; it’s about people. Training your team on the best practices can turn them into a formidable defence line. 

Wrapping Up 🌯 

In our fast-paced digital age, threats might evolve, but with a sturdy, multi-layered defence, peace of mind is achievable. If wrapping your online world in a defence-in-depth strategy sounds right for you, let’s chat! Drop us a call and let’s make your digital space the safest spot in the vast online universe. 🌌 

Today, the UK energy crisis dominates the headlines – and with good reason. The sharp spike in energy prices, along with rising inflation, is dramatically impacting the cost of living for most Brits. But it’s not just domestic households feeling the effects of soaring energy bills. Staggering energy prices have hit large and small businesses across the UK, and unlike domestic customers, there’s no energy price cap for companies.

It’s a worrying situation. Still, businesses aren’t powerless either. Many companies don’t realise just how much of an impact environmentally friendly technology can have on their bills. With this in mind, let’s dive into how energy-saving technology can improve your bottom line amid an increasingly hostile energy landscape.

How Small Businesses Can use Green Technology to Save Energy

One way to reduce your energy bills is to simply use less energy. This doesn’t have to mean working in the dark and using a headlamp to get around, but rather, investing in eco-technology solutions.

Replacing LCD Monitors With LED Monitors

Standard LCDs use fluorescent backlights, while LED displays use light-emitting diodes for backlights. And critically, LEDs are more energy efficient. For example, a 32-inch LED screen consumes 10 watts less energy than the same size LCD screen. In other words, your old displays are eating up unnecessary power.

Of course, there is an upfront cost with upgrading your current monitors, but doing so can save you money in the long run. Moreover, you can often trade in old equipment to help with the costs.

Use Laptops Instead of Desktops

Here’s the bottom line. Laptops consume up to 80% less electricity than their power-hungry desktop peers. Typically, laptops have a maximum energy draw of only 60 watts, while your average desktop may peak at approximately 175 watts. There are other benefits to laptops over desktops too. For example, if all employees have access to a laptop, they can work from home. This means you can have entire days where employees don’t need to be in the office, which can help cut down on energy bills.

Smart Switches

Smart switches still work like traditional light switches. Still, they come with added features like an app that allows you to remotely control your lights, dimming capabilities, and extra buttons for granular control. You can also program your smart switches to turn on the lights, or other appliances, at scheduled times. This means you don’t have to worry about people accidentally leaving a light on when they leave for the day.

Other Tips to Save on Energy

Invest in a UPS Because of Potential Power Blackouts

An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), sometimes called a battery backup, provides a continuous power supply when your regular power source fails. With gas exports from Europe becoming increasingly uncertain due to the war in Ukraine, the National Grid warned that blackouts might become more likely. So far, much of the coverage around blackouts has centred around how the National Grid may impose them on households on cold winter nights in January and February to help conserve limited gas and electricity.

However, businesses could be next in line if the situation escalates. For businesses, a loss in power can be catastrophic. For example, it can result in a loss of income because employees are unable to work, it can result in unsaved work being lost forever, and it potentially puts your reputation at risk if you’re unable to meet customer expectations while your tech is down.

Power Down Your Devices Each Night

Leaving your mains-powered devices on standby or in “sleep mode” can add to your electricity bill and provides little to no benefit. As a result, ensure any devices that can be powered down are powered down. It’s also important not to leave laptops plugged in when they’re already charged up. Turning off chargeable devices can ensure you’re not wasting energy on devices when they’re not in use, ultimately requiring more frequent charging.

Defrost Your Office Fridge and Freezer

Most offices have a fridge where employees can store their lunch and milk for tea and coffee. Remember that it’s a good idea to regularly defrost your office fridge, as the more it ices up, the more energy it will use.

Wrapping Up

Experts are unsure exactly how long the current UK energy crisis will last. Still, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll return to the energy rates we enjoyed a few years ago any time soon. And more worryingly, energy could become even more expensive over the coming years. As a result, the best thing businesses can do today is prepare for a future where expensive energy is the norm. This means investing in devices that use less energy, powering down your devices when not in use, and investing in environmentally friendly technology wherever possible.

One of the most business–friendly innovations in recent years has been the proliferation of cloud apps like Office 365, Google Apps and Salesforce. These SaaS apps have fundamentally changed the way we do business, enabling companies to take advantage of economies of scale, reduce infrastructure costs, and expand the limitations of office working.

There is a very common misconception that SaaS providers including Microsoft take full backups  of your data. The backup and recoverability that Microsoft actually provides, and what people think they are getting, often varies. Many businesses won’t find out until it’s too late and their data is permanently lost.

Here’s what Microsoft offers as standard in terms of redundancy:
Geo-redundancy: Microsoft 365 offers   which protects against site or hardware failure. If there is an infrastructure crash or major outage, your users will more than likely remain online and be unaware of these underlying issues.
Onedrive/SharePoint second stage recycle bin: In Microsoft 365, data deleted from the Recycle Bin in OneDrive or SharePoint goes to the second stage recycle bin and is recoverable from there for up to 30 days (by default) with admin assistance.

It’s important to note that Microsoft as standard doesn’t offer any protection for malicious or accidental deletion of data e.g. emails, Word, Excel & PowerPoint docs. While cloud applications like Microsoft 365 can be considered more resistant to data loss than most conventional solutions where data is simply stored on the user’s hard drive, they are unfortunately far from immune to irreparable loss of data. Most organisations back up their data from an on-premise server or users’ devices to ensure they don’t have a single point of failure for their irreplaceable information. This doesn’t stop being a great idea just because the data is now in the cloud. If you’re using SaaS applications, make sure you are treating the data just as you do your on-premise data: BACK IT UP! It’s a standard practice that needs to be implemented wherever your business data lives.

Call one of our Microsoft 365 specialists today if you have any questions about backing up your Microsoft 365 data – 01543 721001.

What is the purpose of a virtual desktop?

Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop allows staff to access their desktop, applications and files from anywhere on almost any computer with an internet connection, including tablets and mobiles. Hosted in the Microsoft cloud and centrally managed, Windows Virtual Desktop provides a consistent and secure experience that is as good as being in the office.

How will Virtual Desktop help my organisation?

  • Provide a consistent user experience with access to only approved applications and files.
  • Autoscaling that you control based on your business needs reducing desktop management, infrastructure and support costs.
  • Built-in disaster recovery and business continuity.
  • Increased security – Your infrastructure hardware can’t be stolen, lost or tampered with. Microsoft has industry leading data centre security and provides powerful security tools to protect your environment and users.
  • Users can work on any supported device, the data and applications are separated from the local hardware and are run on the remote server, reducing the risk of confidential data being left on a personal device, supporting a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) strategy.
  • IT administrators can ensure that everyone is on approved, up to date software versions.
  • Deploy and scale in minutes once initial setup is complete.

In a nutshell, Windows Virtual Desktop brings several benefits to your organisation, including more secure remote working, easy scalability, quick deployment and simplified IT management as well as reduced licensing and infrastructure costs.

Click here to see how digital banking provider Q2 used Windows Virtual Desktop to allow their team members around the globe to work safely from home using their personal devices until they could be provided with company administered equipment.

After the unprecedented COVID crisis of the last year and moving forward into new ways of working, Windows Virtual Desktop provides a secure, flexible and reliable solution.

Windows Virtual Desktop

Staff productivity is becoming increasingly important, and monitoring how your staff use their time can reduce workload and make everyone’s lives easier. With a huge number of employers shifting from office to home working, one of the key concerns for businesses is ensuring that staff maintain the same level of productivity as well as adhering to company policy and procedures. With this shift potentially becoming permanent for many companies who realise that expensive office space is not necessarily required to run their operations, it is even more important to have suitable technical solutions in place to protect the business.  

User activity monitoring software can certainly be a good way to ensure that staff are fulfilling their potential while working from home, but that is not the only reason these solutions are put in place. Much more than an invasive ‘big brother’s watching you’ solution, this software can ensure that internal security policies and regulatory requirements are adhered to and provides the company with valuable information which can help to streamline processes, deploy workload more effectively, thus saving time.  

There are solutions available which will report on employee activity with customisable reports to identify teams, departments, individual productivity, social media use, time spent on projects and apps amongst others. 

Additional benefits include:  

Compliance & Auditing – set alerts for non-compliant actions that notify the user in real time. 

User Behaviour Analytics – Identify behaviour anomalies to help uncover potential threats.  

Data loss prevention – Utilise biometrics and other safeguards to prevent malicious data extraction. 

Insider Threat Prevention – Automate risk detection and block unwanted employee behaviour. 

It is increasingly important in these unprecedented times that employers protect themselves as much as possible from both internal and external threats while still respecting the privacy of their employees.  

To find out more give one of our team a call 01543 720 001